Monday, January 2, 2012

New year, new life.

Does anyone still bother to keep up with me and this blog? It's been far to long since I have last written on my online diary, and I sincerely apologize for that! You know, I normally don't keep up with new years resolutions, but for 2012 I wanted to try and revive my blog back to life so that when I move away next year I can keep my friends and family back home updated. I just recently came back to facebook and it has been wonderful. I missed keeping up with my friends and I've even met a few new ones through it and though it was a nice break, I really needed to come back and rekindle relationships with people I love and care about.

A lot has gone on between now and October, and I've honestly been trying to recuperate from such a long semester. 2011 has taught me so many things and I have so many fond memories from it. It was a year of new beginnings, like the last chapter of my highschool life before the book of my college life was to begin. A good friend of mine reminded me that 'this was when my life was going to start.' and she was right. My life is starting right now, and I can feel good, positive energy
coming my way this year.                
Is it sad that I'm actually really excited to start second semester? I have a new found confidence in myself to get things done and prepare for Clemson. I have so many things I wish to accomplish before I leave and it has been so exciting to try them by myself for the first time. I'm finally learning how to be independent, and I'll have to admit that it is the best feeling in the world. One thing that I know I really need to work on is giving all of my problems and fears to God. I hope to be discipled again and to attend church on a regular basis. Worshipping with others and having fellowship is very important to me. I will admit that I am a huge loner and I definitely enjoy my alone time, but I also am aware that when I'm around other people, I'm happier. Being an only child can be a set back and a privilege, but if I could have chosen differently, I would have wanted a sibling close in age. I can't change that now, so that's why God has blessed me with so many wonderful people to fill that hole.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I spent time with family and friends and let me tell you, it certainly was memorable. Santa brought me a few new outfits that I am quite happy with. These two pictures of myself show just a couple of things that I received. About two years ago I used to really be into taking pictures for a fashion website called lookbook. I would update it on occasion, but I was never really inspired to keep it up. Many people ask me where I get my style from, and to be honest I draw inspiration from several different people. I have been interested in this type of fashion since I was about fourteen years old, but only just recently have I perfected it. I'm starting to get into bold colors and not being afraid to mix and match them. My piece of advice: never let someone bring you down for the way you dress, if you're comfortable and happy, then that is all that matters. As of late I've been trying to go for a more 'feminine, but modest' look and I've even been wearing heels more often! (which has been something I've always wanted to do, but have felt subconscious about it because of how tall I already am)

I wanted to talk about one more thing, and I hope you don't roll your eyes at me because you knew I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut about it... but can you all believe that Vampire Diaries is FINALLY coming back from hiatus this Thursday?! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself with all these roomers of Delena taking over! If you want some mini spoilers of 3x10, check this out. I'm so excited for all the tension!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I'll definitely be updating more often :) xoxo

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

the social network of absolute distraction.

It is late. It is way too late to be writing a blog post about this. I have something on my mind though that I can't help but spill it out here. Brandon decided to delete his facebook this evening and for some reason I have been compelled to do the same. The only reason why I keep a facebook is so I can obviously connect with friends, and when business is booming I advertise my photography business; however, with my current situation in college, I'm wondering if having a facebook is even really worth it anymore. I see the same, boring statuses every day. I post the same, boring statuses, and really... I only like to keep it to post my photographs. I always wanted to be the bigger person of myself though and delete my special online profile as I did several years ago with my myspace, but facebook has kept me locked in for too long and I think I actually want to wrestle that demon.

I'm taking a tour of the art department at Clemson next week, and needless to say I am both nervous and excited to learn how I can prepare for the rest of my freshman year in order to transfer. Not only to there, but some other schools as well. Granted Clemson is top on my list, I'm still considering others. The thing is though is that I can't go anywhere if I don't do good this year.

The point is. Do I want a social life, or do I want good grades? I want to challenge myself into doing something sporadic... something I've never done before or had the courage to do. I want to get rid of my facebook for at least a week and see how I can handle it before I crack. I want to detox myself of my social life and start working on the things that matter: My relationship with God, my friends, and my boyfriend.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A day of purple and orange.

Brandon and his family took me to my first college football game this past saturday in Clemson. I got the entire college football game experience too! We tailgated, walked around and checked out the homecoming floats, watched the mini parade, and got some really good seats in the stadium. I had such a blast and I can't wait to go again soon! Plus Clemson totally killed Boston College! 36-14 ;)

I'm currently relaxing on my fall break, but that doesn't mean I don't have any work to get done. I plan on cleaning my room today and finishing up the remainder of my homework from last week so that I can spend more of tomorrow studying for my Music Appreciation test. On Friday I'm going to tour Clemson with my parents and Brandon gets to come home finally. Our 8th month anniversary is also on Thursday, of which we are very excited about :) I am hoping we get to do something special for it because we haven't really gotten to celebrate any of our past monthaversaries (as he likes to call them). 

School is still kicking my butt and I'm getting extremely nervous. I want to do really good this year so that I won't have to stay at Greenville Tech. Going to that Clemson game certainly boosted my confidence though. I really needed to be reminded that if I want to go there someday, I really need to get my act together at where I go now. Watching Vampire Diaries all week certainly didn't help my attention span either... but hey, I'm already caught up in the third season and now I can start watching it with everyone else on Thursday nights at 8 D:

Oh, btw, I got my nose pierced last week. ;D

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! xoxo

Friday, September 30, 2011

Embracing Autumn and TMJ.

Hello sweet friends, I guess by the pictures you can't already guess what I'm doing this lovely, Friday evening... not. Unfortunately I'm hanging out at home playing on photobooth as I await my sweet boyfriend to call me. It's just another one of those weekends we have to spend apart due to homework and gas (even though gas prices are going down... yes!) so I'm making the best of it by preoccupying myself with a new obsession. Some of you might think I'm crazy, or even late into the obsession with The Vampire Diaries... but holy crap. I AM SO ADDICTED! I am renting the dvds from Netflix, but I've been sneakily buying some of the episodes on Amazon just because I seriously can't wait for them to come in the mail. (NETFLIX, Y U NO STREAM GOOD SHOWS?)

Yes, Damon is my favorite. I'm literally SQUEALING thinking about him xD <3 

So yes, this is how I generally spend my time when I want to avoid doing homework and such. Oh man, and after I linked to the website I watched that little clip of the new season and AHHHHHHHH MUST WATCH FASTER! Thank god I managed to find a filler until Pretty Little Liars comes back in January... and I already finished all of The Tudors ages ago. I still think they need to make a sequel to it with Mary, Elizabeth, and Edward... who knows what will happen. Showtime has some pretty amazing shows though.

Anyways, I'm so thankful Fall has started to roll in just in time for October 1st. I got a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks tonight and man it totally hit the spot. It was such a wonderful Fall treat that I now have a hankering to go on a hay ride through a corn maze!

I also wanted to mention due to the title of this blog post, that I have this really annoying joint pain in my mouth called TMJ. I can't open my mouth very wide and when I do I get a very painful feeling in my left side of my jaw. No it is not fun and yes it sucks very much. I have no idea how I accumulated it either, it just started hurting sometime in August and now it refuses to go away. I went to the oral surgeon today and the doc basically told me that there wasn't anything I could do about it but just to let it run its course. If the pain gets worse, however, then I have to go to a orthopedic doctor and get a custom splint made to sleep with at night. Seriously, how is it that every year its something new with me? Last year this very week/weekend is the anniversary from when I had my appendix out. Talk about the scariest experience of my life too. Although this isn't as severe, can't my body just cut myself a break?

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I think I'm going to watch some more Vampire Diaries and chill for the rest of the night!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

I think I'm in love.

I love Clemson, and I love Brandon, so if you can imagine putting the two together they are the best, most comfortable, most alive, most sweet feelings in the world. We ate at a really awesome restaurant and watched kind of a scary movie, but the best part was being able to spend time with one another and just... well, relax. These sort of days with him are the ones I cherish most. I hope you all had a lovely weekend xoxox.

No, I'm not really sure why he's making that face in the first picture. He refused to be serious! :o

Saturday, September 17, 2011

As of late...

For the past few days my room has looked like a library vomited in it. I have 4 tests to study for, a paper to write, certain activities to do for all my classes, and reading. They sure didn't prepare us for this in Highschool >_<

On the plus side, Clemson beat Auburn today so that has made my mood considerably more cheery. I can't wait until I get to go to my first game on Oct. 8th with baby and his family. So excited! :)